Carson City Nissan “High Five Turkey Drive” Supports FISH in Providing hundreds of Holiday Meal Baskets to Local Families
Dec 3, 2024
2 min read

Friends in Service Helping (FISH) is celebrating the incredible success of the annual Turkey Drive, hosted by Carson City Nissan, which brought in 160 turkeys on the day of the drive and over $1,200 in donations to support FISH’s Thanksgiving Basket program. Carson City Nissan went above and beyond their promise to match the first 150 turkeys and hand delivered a donation of $3,000, enabling FISH to ensure no family went without a meal this holiday season.
Chris Russell, owner of Carson City Nissan, emphasized the importance of the drive:“The Turkey Drive is one of the most rewarding events we participate in each year. Knowing that these efforts directly impact families in our community, bringing them joy and nourishment during the holidays, is incredibly fulfilling. FISH does remarkable work, and we are honored to partner with them to make a difference. Seeing the community come together to support this cause reaffirms how much good we can achieve when we work together. We are looking forwarding to doing it again next year!”
The event was further enhanced by the enthusiastic partnership of Jerry Evans at KKFT 99.1, who was on-site all day promoting the drive. Jerry gave the event a personal touch, shouting out donors by name as they arrived, encouraging his contacts and ad sponsors to support the efforts, and personally contributing 10 turkeys. His energetic presence and advocacy were instrumental in making the Turkey Drive a community-wide achievement.
Adding to the success, many local businesses provided turkey donations through the following week. Among these included Costco in Carson City, who generously donated 88 turkeys. With these contributions, FISH staff and volunteers assembled 500 holiday baskets to for families in need, ranging in size from two to eight people.
Each holiday basket included a turkey and traditional Thanksgiving sides, allowing families to prepare a holiday meal in their own homes. The overwhelming support from the community ensured that FISH could fulfill its mission of helping neighbors in need during the holiday season.