Volunteer with FISH

On-going Opportunities
Food Bank
Organize food shelves
Fulfill family and single food grant orders
Intake food donations
Busy and friendly environment
Family Dining Room
Monday-Saturday 3:00PM-5:30PM
Serve hot meals
Keep dining and seating areas clean
Thrift Stores: Carson City, Minden, Mound House
Keep store items organized and clean
Take in donations
Assist customers
Work with friends as well as FISH staff
Intake and Referral Specialist
Must have a background in Social Care Work
Interview community applicants for FISH services
Work one-on-one with a client
Offer programs and guidance for their journey
Listen with compassion
Motivate clients to take the initiative to succeed
Data Entry and management
Computer knowledge is recommended
Special Event Opportunities
Special Fundraising Events
Empty Bowls
Annual premier fundraiser (Coming Soon!)
Holiday Events
Turkey Drive
Trick or Treat
Holiday Basket Drive
Weekly Blogs and semi annual newsletters
Create unique content for publication on our website
as well as local media outlets -
Photograph branding and marketing campaigns
Contribute to newsletter articles and content