Check Donations can be mailed or delivered to 138 E. Long Street Carson City, NV 89706 Donate Online
Friends In Service is Helping is 98% funded by the community through financial and in-kind support.
4% of our projects and services qualify for local and state funded support.
Here is a list of a few current and past supporters and grant awards for FISH:
To make a grant from your Community Foundation Donor Advised Fund, call Lauren Renda or Lyndsey Crossley, Philanthropic Advisors, at 775-333-5499 or visit the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada.
We accept washers and dryers and HD flat screen TV’s. We do not accept outdated TV’s or computer monitors, used mattresses or bed springs, large entertainment centers, or dishwashers.
We will gladly accept upon inspection: real estate including mobile homes and trailers (property they sit on and home itself), stocks, and bonds. We unfortunately cannot accept vacation rentals, unregistered boats, nonoperational vehicles, vehicles without titles, or personal gifts to staff members.
For inspections please call Jim Peckham at (775) 882-3474 ext. 1019.